Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My last school....My last night....My last day.

It's very bittersweet for today's entry.  I visited my last school, yesterday, with Margarita.  We visited Escuela de Danzas.  Students go to school to learn their basic skills and also dance.  They can learn classical dances (i.e. ballet) or modern (i.e. interpretive) and also dances like Tango and Samba.  I visited two classrooms with a teacher I met last week, Macarena Cambre.  Both classes were full of girls but there are a few boys in the school.  The girls were very sweet and made my last day of visiting schools a happy one :)  The only thing I found to be most curious is the walls.  Some of the students admitted to contributing and some others told me they hate it.  One teacher called it "art" and another said "how terrible".  I'll let you be the judge!
Although "beauty lay in the eye of the beholder" in the classrooms, I was instantly intrigued by the sculpture and wall are in the entrance of the school.
Margarita and I went to Alma Zen for our last lunch together.  This place has "natural" food.  Even vegetarian.  I went for a chicken dish and it was delicious!  I don't even know what all was in it. 
I spent the remainder of my afternoon capitalizing on a very inexpensive treatment (which hurt and I will never do again....lesson learned)!! I felt very "Argentine" in my travels to the subte, on the subte, and home from the subte.  It was great.  I had dinner with some of my new friends at a restaurant names "Dominga".  It was beautiful and the food was wonderful (of course!).  I couldn't have asked for a better evening.  I am going to miss my friends and my "mommies" from Buenos Aires.  I can't wait to return in a year (with more Spanish) and to see things from a tourist angle and not just that as a teacher.  Don't get me wrong, my experiences here in the educational system have changed my life forever and I am so grateful for this opportunity.  BUT, there's so much more to see!!!  Buenos Aires is an amazing city that has tugged on these heart strings of mine forever. 
Today, I slept late and have been listening to the sounds of the city.  I'm going to miss the cars and horns and voices!  I'm going to miss having an external shutter to keep the cold and light out of my room.  I'm going to miss Maica (the family's dog) opening my door to come lay on the floor beside me.  (I will not miss the cold weather...but everything else...I will miss!!)  I have talked to friends, updated my blog and photos on Facebook.  Now, it's time to get busy and get ready to leave. 
Nos vemos pronto Buenos Aires!!


  1. are you by an change CoURtNeY_ back from the old IRC days hanging out at #11-17teenz and born on JULY 7TH, 1982?

    I'm Redknight back from the old times, if this is you drop me a mail to h at cker dot co

  2. Yes, this is CoURtNeY. I tried to email you. Try again.
