Monday, June 20, 2011

17 - 20 de junio

Hola amigos!!  I am having the BEST time here!  On Friday, a woman named Cecilia came to fetch my from downtown to take me to her parent´s house in Tigre.  Here I have had more food in three days than I have in three months. Cecilia, by the way, was sent to Kansas to visit American schools last year.  Hence the "Exchange" part of the Rotary International Teacher Exchange Program. 

I have met a lot of very nice people (I know that sounds cliché but it´s true) and seen quite a bit so far.  I went bowling with Cecilia, her boyfriend Eduardo, and their friend Gustavo.  I also got to meet Eduardo´s mother - Claudia, his sister (well, one of them...he is one of 10 children!!) Angie, and her boyfriend "Nacho" - short for Ignacio. It was SO much fun!  Everyone has made me feel "at home" and I appreciate it so much!

So here´s some noted differences/misconceptions (in addition to those on my last post):
- they do not have spicy food....even pepper on the table is not common
- they prefer salt to pepper....
- cars rarely stop for pedestrians, especially taxis
- the t.v. is commonly put into the kitchen, or a room that is for eating
- it is perfectly acceptable to go for a walk with your friends and have a small "picnic" while drinking yerba mate
- the keyboards are´s not that hard but it´s not easy either
I´ll have to think of some more later :)

Tomorrow I will be back en centro/capital/downtown at Cristina´s flat and finally get to see some schools!  I know they will be different from my school and certainly different from the schools I saw in Malawi.  I´m really very excited!! Can you tell? 

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