Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Got a Mac Book

I met with Audie Adkins today to receive  Mac Book for my trip.  Needless to say, I'm a PC girl!  This should be interesting.  (A BIG thank you to the FISD Technology Department for the loaner!)  I am going to do my best to blog often and keep all interested parties thoroughly informed. 

I want to be sure to thank the Frisco Rotary Club for allowing me to be a part of this exchange program.  I know I will learn a lot about the education systems in Buenos Aires and hopefully I will be able to share something with them as well.

Ok, now all about me:  I have no started packing but I did so a little shopping for the trip.  It is currently winter down there so I want to be prepared.  Luckily, I have two contacts in Argentina who are happy to help in any way!  Thank you Nylia and Rodrigo!!  I know I'll be prepared so don't you worry!  Ok, I think I've had enough of the Mac Book for the moment.  7 days and counting!!

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